Pasaka Njema! = Happy Easter!

··· audio files/recordings ···
Heri za Siku ya Mama! = Happy Mother's Day!
[metaphrase = "Blessedness for Day of Mother(s)!"]

  No sweat!



A weeklong observance [B1/B2] - website
Eid al-Fitr = Idi al Fitri
No liability!  

Linguistic level: intermediate [B1]

Week 4 of the year 2024 begins on Monday,
January 22 and ends on Sunday January 28.

= [localized: Wiki ya nne ya mwaka
elfu mbili ishirini na nne itaanza Jumatatu
tarehe ishirini na mbili Januari, halafu itaisha Jumapili,
Januari ishirini na nane.

Some weeklong observances
(1) Stepparents Week [in the USA]      [- website]
= Wiki ya Wazazi wa Kambo [Marekani][metaphrase = "week of water for drinking"]
[June 1-7] = [Juni mosi hadi saba]

(2) Volunteers Week [in the UK]      [- website]
= Wiki ya Wanaojitolea [nchini Uingereza]
[June 1 - 7] = [Juni mosi hadi saba]

Karibuni !
Welcome !


Karibuni !
Welcome !


Day of the week - Linguistic level: A2-B1/B2
Skirt the line below it!

A1 ‑ A2leerrB1 ‑ B2leerC1 ‑ C2

Comprehension Dialogues

[Not only in real-time but also interactively.]

Dialogue 1 (of 2) [pre-intermediate (A2/B1)]

                       [Like it or not. = Utake usitake.]
Na jibu lako ni ... = And your response is ...

Dialogue 2 (of 2) [intermediate (B1/B2)]

Linguistic Level: B1/B2
Some monthlong observances in March
(1) International Listening Awareness MONTH
MWEZI wa Kimataifa wa Kutambua Kusikiliza
[metaphrase: ""]
(2) African History Month
= Mwezi wa Historia ya Kiafrika
[metaphrase: ""]

(3) Red Cross Month [in the US]
Mwezi wa Msalaba Mwekundu [nchini Marekani]
[literally = ""]

(4) National Sauce Month [in the USA]
Mwezi wa Taifa wa Mchuzi/Kitoweo [nchini Marekani]
[literally = "Month of Nation of Sauce"]

Some monthlong observances in April
(1) Women's Eye Health and Safety MONTH
= MWEZI wa Afya ya, na Usalama wa, Macho ya Wanawake

(2) International Guitar Month
= Mwezi wa Kimataifa wa Gita

(3) April is Stress Awareness Month
= Aprili ni Mwezi wa Kutambua Msongo
[literally = "April is Month of Recognizing Stress"]

(4) [in the USA = nchini Marekani]
(a) National Food Month

= Mwezi wa Taifa wa Chakula
(b) National Humor Month
= Mwezi wa Taifa wa Ucheshi
(c) National GARLIC Month
= Mwezi wa Taifa wa VITUNGUU SAUMU
Some monthlong observances in August
(1) Plastic Free July® = Julai ya Bila Plastiki
[metaphrase: "July of without plastic"]

(2) National Hot Dog Month [in the USA]
= Mwezi wa Taifa wa Hotidogi [nchini Marekani]
[metaphrase: "month of nation of hotdog(s)"]

(3) National Picnic Month [in the US]
Mwezi wa Taifa wa Mandari [nchini Marekani]
[literally = "month of nation of picnic(s)"]

(3) National Smile Month [in the UK]
Mwezi wa Taifa wa Tabasamu [nchini Uingereza]
[literally = "month of nation of smile"]
[May 15 to June 15]
[Mei kumi na tano hadi Juni kumi na tano]


for advanced learners [B2/C1]
(1) The year 2024 [leap year] = Mwaka 2024 [mwaka mrefu]
(a) International Year of Camelids      
= Mwaka wa Kimataifa wa Jamii ya Ngamia
- website: UNOFAO
(b) Year of the Dragon      
= Mwaka wa Dragoni
[website: UNO

(2) Some Decades
(a) 2022‑2032: International Decade of Indigenous Languages      
= Muongo wa Kimataifa wa Lugha za Kienyeji

(b) 2021‑2030: Second Decade of Action for Road Safety      
= Muongo wa Pili wa Harakati za Usalama Barabarani
[- website/source]

Guided Website Tour: Presenting "", the informative Website pertaining to East and Central Africa
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